Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh Wow....2011!

      Hmmmmm.....about me slacking, I would say I am pretty bad at keeping this updated, I need to try to do it at least once a week because in this crazy so much happens in one week, its going to be ridiculous to try and catch everyone up on our ongoing events. Here it goes anyway!!!

      So Christmas was amazing! The Neely family was surprised with a living room full of gifts from Santa Claus! He sure knows his stuff because the smile on Autumn's tiny little face was something else. This year he brought her a gigantic toy box and an Art desk with every art supply you could imagine. He also filled her stocking to the brim with toys and candy and barbie dolls and barbie clothes and even got her another train engine for her Thomas the Train set and a sled for the mountains of snow we have here. On top of all this Jon and I got her outfits, puzzles, Jessie and Bullseye (to complete her set) and Jammies! I apologize I did not get alot of pictures of Christmas mainly because we film it instead, hoping to make these times last forever so maybe someday in the very very far future, Autumn can sit down with her family and watch her growing up. Jon and I also had an awesome Christmas and we even decided to get a mutual present for ourselves and buy a new Kitchen table! I cannot wait to go pick it out! This year was also a year full of family games. Jon came home with Sorry, Monopoly and I came home with three different versions of Scrabble! My absolute favorite game. Autumn recieved Candy Land and loves it! Autumn also got an AWESOME fishtank from her Aunty Sarah and she even got a red Beta fish for it. She looked at it and named it Chip, pretty cute Huh? Chip is now part of the family and the way he looks and acts he reminds me of one of those grumpy old men who frowns and bickers all the time, very funny! Christmas was definitely one to remember this year. We had wonderful Christmas parties from both mine and Jon's sides of the family and boy do we all sure know how to party! It was a blast. And at the Neely Christmas Party we even had a visitor. Santa Claus came to make sure everyone was being good, It was so great to see Autumn react. She ran up and gave him such a big hug and was by his side till he and Mrs. Claus left. Definitely a successful December!

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