Monday, February 28, 2011


                     So as a small child my mom made every special event and holiday memorable and I loved it. Now its not so much fun because I have a legacy to live up to and with her creative mind it is hard to be creative and come up with good ideas just like she did for us. But with some help from family fun, I was able to make Autumn's Valentines day unforgettable!

I strung pom poms up with some needle and thread. These were sparkly pink and purple for her. I then attatched them to the top of the door with push pins. This was also all done at night so that when she woke up on valentines she would wake up to the sun hitting these and be completely surprised!

Another View

...and another.....

........and yet again another.......

As much as I would love to take credit for the cupcakes, my mom actually made these for Autumn for Valentines day. They were her present to Autumn and the cupcake stand was her present to me......She still has the magic touch!

However! The valentines that you see under the cupcake stand was all me. I had these in a trail all around the house starting in Autumn's room and leading all the way down stairs to her valentines day card and present which was a purple and pink unicorn pillow pet (there is no picture becuase she would not unhand that thing!)

I loved this card so much so I had to take a picture of it. This was our card to Autumn!

For dinner I prepared a DELICIOUS pot roast, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy and a salad. This was more for Jon than for Autumn, but she enjoyed it as well. And for myself there in those glasses is Dr. Pepper which is the key to my heart ha ha!

This is another view of the dinner table that night!

I wish I could have gotten a better picture of this, but this was our desert for the evening. This was a simple Great-grandma thing that I was taught and it is so simple yet so good. It is a twist on strawberry shortcake. Instead the cake that you see is actually twinkies. I then chopped up fresh strawberries and mixed them in a strawberry sauce. Top with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles and you have yourself one happy three year old!


  1. Very cute! You're such a perfect mom! And Autumn's room is stinkin' cute! Did you leave the pom poms up after Valentine's day?

  2. Awe thank you! That means a lot! Yes for a day, they were a pain because the string was so easy to get tangled, Jon and I spent much of the time untangling them from each other.
